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Sunday, December 05, 2004

~ Tracking the news you choose ~

Don't you just feel overwhelmed by the amount of information noise coming at you? The next best option to becoming a hermit is to subscribe to several news digest services. There are many search mechanisms that can filter information by keywords, so you get just the news you choose, dropped right in your email, as a toolbar on your browser, in a newsreader or at a web search engine that aggregates all your news sources.

A variety of easy to use aggregators search legal, professional, specialty and general interest news sites. Bizjournals searches can be narrowed by topic or region, limited by the keywords you supply. This service is available as a newsfeed or weekly emails.

Google Alerts tracks your topics in the news and on websites, which can be delivered to your email. If you have a My Yahoo page you can generate a specific list of topics, which Yahoo trolls for in the daily online newspapers. PubSub constantly scans blogs and news by keywords.

News aggregators allow the reader to specify search terms, then the aggregator crawls the news and blogs for those words or phrases, and delivers them in one document, a news reader. Hence YOUR news is aggregated, you don't have to go to multiple sites. Good for info junkies! Wired Magazine has a helpful summary article, for the technically disadvantaged.

If you're ready to check out the newsfeeder world take a look at these popular free aggregators from NewsMonster and NewsGator.

Content aggregators can also be incorporated as rolling news headlines on your web page.

Go to the Yahoo blog categories and see what's out there.


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