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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

~ getting good background on your employees ~

Just what is an employment background check anyway? Federal law circumscribes the extent and nature of background information that can be gathered on employees by outside companies. In The Truth Behind Standard Criminal Checks, the author offers a good, brief overview of the intersection of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) restrictions on developing criminal history, the limitations inherent in the data and data providers, with the necessity to pursue less conventional means, such as a review of Internet-derived information.

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

~ California Supreme Court answers trial by jury issue ~

It wouldn't portend a trusting relationship if, at the outset, your business partner asked you to sign away your right to a jury trial. And now the California Supreme Court agrees. Read the article

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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

~ background screening - add blogging to the checklist ~

Changes in technology may add a twist to considerations of employment background investigations. How about adding to the mix a review of your employee's blogging history? You may want to know if your potential new hire indiscreetly spouted off about their prior employer. Read on

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